Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Opening Letter

Hello Families,
Hello and miss all of my wonderful students.  As this new world of distance learning is evolving with classroom teachers, I am reaching out to students and families also in terms of their Arts Education.  As you review the Term 2 report card that will be sent out, please feel free to contact me in regards to their Arts Education assessment.
Over the course of the next few weeks I will be compiling grade appropriate assignments that students can partake in if they so choose.
In order to reach as many students and families in the best possible ways I am using a variety of digital modes of communication and sharing.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisa.tytlandsvik.5 (This is a professional not personal page)
Google Classroom
Zoom (meetings to be scheduled on scheduled days)
Starting next week the first assignments will be posted on a scheduled day.
K/Gr.1: Mondays
Gr. 2: Tuesdays
Gr. 3/Gr.4:  Wednesdays
Gr.501/Gr.5/6: Thursdays
Gr. 601: Fridays
If there is a different form of communication your child would prefer please send me an email.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Ms. Lisa Marie Tytlandsvik
B.Ed., B.A.